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FCRA Insight -- Virtual Kickstart

  • 7 May 2025
  • 8:15 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Virtual via Zoom


Virtual FCRA Kickstart

On Friday April 14, 2023, FCRA Insight presents a 1-day, virtual Kickstart program for intermediate level FCRA practitioners in small and solo practices.  Ian Lyngklip of Lyngklip & Associates will host the program which will be held online via Zoom.

Participation is limited to 10 practitioners at a cost of $950 (see qualifications below). As always, we will refund your tuition if you aren’t totally satisfied with the program.

Details and Registration on the FCRA Insight website.

 About the Program

Tired of other programs offering the same, rehashed FCRA 101?  Do other consumer programs leave you without actionable items to improve your practice and bottom line?  Do you feel as though you are working alone, rather than collaborating with your peers?  Does it feel like other program aren’t designed to help solo and small firm attorneys succeed?

The Insight program was designed with private practitioners handling individual cases in mind, to provide the framework and resources that they need to effectively litigate FCRA cases to their maximum value, without having to rely on larger firms for support or guidance.  The FCRA Insight Kickstart will provide you a process for identifying and incorporating new concepts into your FCRA practice and continually improving upon it. With calculated and purposeful implementation, these processes will take FCRA attorneys from FCRA 101 to the next level.  The Kickstart will get you on the path to constant improvement of your practice, and provide new tools, pleadings, and a framework for evaluating new materials and legal theories in your FCRA practice.   This program is the foundation and toolbox for later programs that will build on the skill set acquired in the Kickstart.

Details and Registration on the FCRA Insight website.

 Foundations of Insight

The FCRA Insight method relies upon Lean Management fundamentals to deploy, evaluate, and improve processes in your law office, with the end goal of increasing profit.  The FCRA Insight Kickstart will help practitioners to evaluate new approaches best suited to their respective offices and clients.  Along the way, we will rely upon data analysis, cognitive psychology, collaboration models, and a host of other disciplines to boost results, one process at a time.   And with each FCRA Insight Kickstart Module, we will feature the latest & greatest technology to ensure that you not only learn the aforementioned principles but are able to leave the Kickstart able to implement those principles.  (See a description of our other programs below.)

Details and Registration on the FCRA Insight website.

Kickstart Agenda

The 2023 FCRA Insight Kickstart Modules include: 

  • Understanding “Core” Cases:  Learn the importance of using identifiable fact patterns in case selection, drafting, discovery, and negotiation.  Using the concept of core cases will allow you to focus on the cases that can make you money and help streamline your processes.
  • Collaboration & Data: Learning about the value of data, identifying critical data metrics that every attorney should be tracking, and participating in appropriate data sharing to improve the results of every litigation milestone and ultimately settlement.
  • Business Processes: Understanding the role of processes in litigation, practice management, and profitability and rethinking litigation strategies for improved integration with your practice workflow to ultimately secure the best settlement results in the shortest amount of time.
  • Rules of Engagement: Developing and establishing Ground Rules to secure the discovery you need while fighting back against overbroad protective orders, unethical settlement terms, and general bullying from opposing counsel.
  • Case Setup and Intake: Recognizing the red flags early on, troubleshooting how to deal with problem clients, red flags discovered down the road, and zeroing in on the cases you should be taking. 
  • Responding to Discovery: Leveraging the foundation already laid in Plaintiff’s pleadings and in Plaintiff’s Statement of the Case in the Joint Discovery Plan to weaponize Plaintiff’s responses to Defendant’s discovery to carry the theme to trial.
  • Discovering their Case: Starting with the Plaintiff and then the key third-parties and then the Defendant’s themselves, a roadmap on what to look for, how to look for it, and where to find it when they still refuse to give it to you.

Details and Registration on the FCRA Insight website.


Following the Insight program, the insight staff will continue to work with attendees to assure their continued success with the program and materials.  The FCRA Insight Kickstart aftercare includes:

  • 1 year admission to the Insight Listserv
  • 2 Hours of Free Coaching
  • A community of like-minded practitioners. 

Details and Registration on the FCRA Insight website.


This program will rely heavily on participation from attendees to share experiences and advice in a collaborative setting.  Come prepared for Q&A with one of the most demanded FCRA speakers.  This program has space for only 10 participants.  Past participants in the Kickstart (Friday program) are welcome to attend.  For the Tuesday Kickstart, the cost is $950 for this virtual program.  To request an agenda, detailed program description, and application, email  Again, this is a program for intermediate level practitioners who handle individual cases.  There will be no ABC’s , advanced, or class action material covered in this program.   This is for practitioners who have litigated cases before, but have not been able to move the needle beyond settlements in the low five figures.

Details and Registration on the FCRA Insight website.


The Insight program is intended only for private practitioners working on individual cases.  This program does NOT support legal aid, legal services, or class action practitioners. 

  1. Within the last five years, you have attended at least one NACA FCRA conference or NCLC National Conference where FCRA was covered.
  2. Within the last five years, you have filed more than 5 cases in Federal Court against a CRA or furnisher for violations of 15 USC 1681.
  3. On an annual basis, and for the last two years, more than 10% of the number of cases you filed were for violations of the FCRA.
  4. Your firm does not regularly file or participate in class action litigation and is not a legal aid organization.
  5. You are a member of a small or solo firm, 5 attorneys or less.

This program is not sponsored or endorsed by NCLC or NACA.

 Other UPCOMING Insight Programs

Live Discovery, May 2-3 2023
Prior to the NACA Spring Conference

The Discovery Intensive will cover core topics in getting the things you need to prepare for Summary Judgment, Trial, and Settlement.  Topics include

  • Insight Core Cases:  What You Need to Get to Trial and Summary Judgment
  • Deposing Dispute Witnesses: The dispute handler or corporate rep
  • Protective Orders:  The Law and Ethics Underlying Discovery Limits
  • Keeping Track of Your Discovery – Tech and Logistics
  • Litigation Ju Jitsu – Meet & Confer:  Gambits and Strategy
  • Interrogatories and Production:  What to Ask for And How to Ask for It.

Settlement and Negotiation, Summer 2023

The Settlement and Mediation Intensive will cover core topics in getting the things your client needs out of a settlement and how to negotiate for that bargained consideration.   Topics include

  • Critical Inflection Points in the Litigation and Managing Microaggressions by Opposing Counsel
  • Weaponizing Confidentiality, Non-Disparagement, and Ethics of Settlement Agreements
  • Tracking Data and Knowing the Value of Cases Where You Litigate
  • Using 26(f) and Rule 16 Conferences to establish settlement expectations
  • Negotiation Theory and Practice
  • Settlement Conferences and Mediation:  Recognizing Pitfalls, Holding Your Ground and having a game plan.

Settlement and Negotiation, October 24-25
Prior to the NCLC Annual Litigation Conference

The Settlement and Mediation Intensive will cover core topics in getting the things your client needs out of a settlement and how to negotiate for that bargained consideration.   Topics include

  • Critical Inflection Points in the Litigation and Managing Microaggressions by Opposing Counsel
  • Weaponizing Confidentiality, Non-Disparagement, and Ethics of Settlement Agreements
  • Tracking Data and Knowing the Value of Cases Where You Litigate
  • Using 26(f) and Rule 16 Conferences to establish settlement expectations
  • Negotiation Theory and Practice
  • Settlement Conferences and Mediation:  Recognizing Pitfalls, Holding Your Ground and having a game plan.

Trial and Trial Prep, TBD

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